Cut Off the Cast

So. At the tail end of June I fell off a chair and broke both my arms.
More specifically, I was stood on a dining chair to clean a window and I fell diagonally after misjudging a lean, fracturing the outermost metacarpal bone on my left hand, and breaking and compacting both bones in my right forearm, right by the wrist.

A photo of two hands, palm to the camera, in casts. The left hand is in a splint held with purple and blue velcro, and the right is in a blue plaster cast. Overlaid is large text reading 'Whoops.'.
The announcement image I shared to my Etsy shop instagram.

Understandably, this has made July a pretty weird month so far. I'd never broken a bone before, and now I've broken three, all at once, in rather spectactular fashion. 'Whoops' indeed. But that's not the intended focus of this post.

White text on a black background reading 'Dawn of The Final Day -24 Hours Remain-'. The image is a meme originating from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

Tomorrow the cast comes off my right hand!

To celebrate, I thought I'd make a list of some of the little things (and some bigger things too!) that I'm looking forward to about getting my dominant hand freed from plaster. These are in no particular order at all, and I'm probably going to miss something obvious, but hey ho. Without further ado, an inexhastive list of things I'm looking forward to when the cast comes off my right arm:

  • being able to put jackets/jumpers/over layers on! The splint on my left hand is so much less of an issue for this
  • being able to properly click the knuckles on at least one hand again
  • similarly, being able to click my neck when its stiff oh my god please
  • better grip when taking stuff in and out of the oven 🙃
  • better grip on my phone so I drop it less
  • DRAWING. Okay I know I'm gonna have to build some of the strength and fine motor movement up again but man just being able to hold a pen functionally again PLEASE
  • similarly, reclaiming my place as the table note-taker for TTRPG sessions
  • being able to properly grip bottle lids to open them
  • properly washing that hand lmao-
  • not having to perfectly position the cast in order to get int a comfy position to sleep
  • fine dexterity my beloved please return to me 90% of my hobbies are small, fiddly things it turns out
  • being able to easily reach into pockets/bags/jars without the cast getting caught on stuff
  • having a good grip back on the joycon that does the motion controls in splatoon lmao
  • no more cast itch!!!
  • also no more having to be super careful about getting the cast wet! I can have one arm uncovered when I shower!
  • shoelaces being less fiddly so maybe I can switch back to my boots
  • able to actually hold a book open easier
  • better mouse control on my pc
  • being able to give visual feedback/redlines for shots for the short film I'm directing
  • being able to work on keys again for the same film! I was just feeling properly in the swing of things and then-!
  • I *might* even be able to join in for the last week of Art Fight if I'm lucky,,,
  • being able to do some of my own veg prep for cooking please I am so bored of ready-meals
  • being able to update my own calender and planner with dates of appointments
  • being able to properly scrub my hair and get it feeling fully clean by myself
  • honestly just most things should become slightly less of a chore overall I hope

Okay, I think I'm out of thoughts for now. I'm also looking foward to just being able to see my arm again I think, so that I can stop worrying that I've fucked it up irreparably every time something clicks or crunches or hurts. Looking forward to feeling normal again.

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