Hello! If you are reading this it means I got at least the basics working to set up my new journal section. If you're not reading this then we may have entered some kind of paradox situation. Uh Oh.
Anyway. So. As a rule, I am someone who has to actively remind myself that there are steps available to me inbetween the stages of "nothing" and "perfect," as otherwise this is a thing that I am liable to forget. I am also someone who easily falls down rabbitholes of hubris and hyperfixation, sometimes to great effect. We will come back to these facts in a little bit.
Now, I am having good fun building my shiny new site, and exploring the options available to me through the use of html and javascript. I'm mostly just playing around and setting up the basics for my site. And I decide that the next thing I want to get ready to go is the Journal.
I had heard mentions of a few different pre-set blog scripts that are widely used on neocities and beyond on the indieweb, many of which are based around Zonelets, an excellent little bare-bones engine designed to allow an easy point of access to DIY blogging.
"Thanks to Zonelets, you can create an UNPROFESSIONAL-looking website by writing NUMEROUS lines of code!"
Now that's the kind of tagline I can get behind.
So. Zonelets found, ready-to-go straight out of the box - simple, right?
Wrong- You remember I said we'd come back to those points about me later? Well it's later now-
Anyway I wanted a tagging system to sort my blog posts with - something that Zonelets explicitly does not have. Googling around and checking the neocities subreddit wasn't giving me anything prewritten to use, but Zonelets is set up in a way that allows for additional metadata to be saved alongside the post listing, when you add new posts to the script file. And as someone who doesn't want to implement a step between "no blog" and "taggable blog," and who has just enough memory of coding in C# at college (~2016-17) to not feel the fear of god while eyeing up a language I've never worked in before...
I proceeded to spend several hours picking apart the Zonelets javascript and adding new features to allow tagging and sorting posts.
Now. I definitely don't think this is necessarily the best method of implementing these features that could exist, and it is, so far, largely untested... BUT. following debugging some silly mistakes I seem to have made something that looks like it works! Cool beans!
I'll be honest, I don't know shit about how to do 'proper' documentation or anything like that, but here's a rough run-down of how my system should work:
This should now all work, in theory. In the future, I'd love to share this code with others who might be looking for a similar solution, but I want to give it a little bit of a testing period first. Now that I've got the system live on my site, I don't know any better way to do that than just to keep adding new posts with new tags. That should be doable, because I have a lot of disconnected topics I want to talk about.
Once I'm happy that it's not going to break at the slightest sign of stress, I will definitely update this post with a link to where you can access the code! If you're reading this and that hasn't happened yet, or you're impatient and willing to potentially deal with some wonky code acting strangely, then you're welcome to drop me a line on discord or anywhere else linked to the left, and I'll chuck you the files.
Here's to keeping the barrier of entry to the web low.
Edit 26/08/23: Here's a link to download the adjusted script! If you come unstuck, let me know - but it should all work from here!
Welcome to my blog!
This is gonna be a bit of a brain-dump of stuff I like to nerd out about. You can explore by topic (hopefully, if I got the code right!), or just read through whatever strikes your fancy.